Wednesday, 6 July 2011

Nikki's Best Bits

I was reading Thrifty Mrs blog who set a challenge to focus on the good stuff and our achievements so far this year.  19 days and counting to add it to the linky, so in the spirit of 'do it today or later you'll pay' (homework book from Hermione, I know far to much Potter detail) here are my best bits so far. (in no particular order other than the order they occur to me).

  • Took little Petals to London (first time ever)
  • found a puppy
  • do-cluttered our house to within an inch of its life (still ongoing - 3 more problem areas to tackle)
  • Did a tax return and a partnership tax return (ok so had help with the 2nd one, and lost 2 days of my life to it, unneccesarily)
  • Helped organise a very successful school summer fair.
  • Learned my 8 x tables (whilst helping eldest Petal)
  • Used a sewing machine with some success
  • minuted a meeting using a laptop and actually enjoyed it
That's it, maybe its nothing earth moving I havent run 10k or saved a life, but I'm content with the little stuff.



  1. I think you have done very well so far. I like the fact that you have learnt your 8 times table, that one always stumped me as well. Good luck with the next six months. ~x~

  2. Sue I completely get it, if I'd have been on that PTA, there is no way I would have gone along with the idea parents should pay £7 for their own childs drawing, frame or no frame!! On a more important note - is the talking books you listen to? Isn't Stephen Fry fantastic. They are once again the best of their kind, I listen to a lot of talking books whilst I paint etc. but the Potter ones are extremely well done. x
