The Petals had an outing to the creative stitch and craft show yesterday. We tried rag rugging, had a blast with a knitting machine (really works your deltoids and abs) fittingly these machines do look rather like implements of torture. Of course the ladies of the Machine Knitters Guild could move the thing one handed and they were really nice as we giggled away and even took our photo which may make it into the Machine Knitters Guild Newsletter – result! They gave us the sample we made and K is planning to turn it into a phone sock, it was very fast and if you are a machine lover like me it was all very impressive.
We watched embellishment making whilst we cheered on the ladies who were trying it out (I was made to stay and fan one lady for a while – yes K brought a fan, what she has in her handbag never ceases to surprise and amaze). We may have insulted the demonstrator by likening the machine needle to a nit comb (me) and a TB jab needle (K).
We also met loads of lovely people.
One of the machine knit ladies offered to come and do a demonstration at a craft meet up if we were interested.
<< The Guild of Machine Knitters
We sat next to some fellow Chorlians at lunch (they took the pic at the top of this blog) who we invited to the next Arts and Craft Fair at the Coach House in Astley Park (Sunday 5 June).
I bartered over wool with Mr Black of the Black Sheep Company. K cuddled a giraffe :-). We had a pit stop and a hot drink with my sister (who had organised our tickets and who I rang repeatedly until she answered in a whisper that she was in the lecture hall - oops).
we later met up with her next to the mermaid (left) – this was sitting outside an amazing cave created out of all knitted items, donated from knitters all over the country to support the RNLI. It was the most eye popping creation, so much detail from tiny jellyfish and sea horses to a mermaid and sea monster called Nemesis knitted by junior school children.
<< Inside the cave
One of the machine knit ladies offered to come and do a demonstration at a craft meet up if we were interested.
<< The Guild of Machine Knitters
We sat next to some fellow Chorlians at lunch (they took the pic at the top of this blog) who we invited to the next Arts and Craft Fair at the Coach House in Astley Park (Sunday 5 June).
I bartered over wool with Mr Black of the Black Sheep Company. K cuddled a giraffe :-). We had a pit stop and a hot drink with my sister (who had organised our tickets and who I rang repeatedly until she answered in a whisper that she was in the lecture hall - oops).
we later met up with her next to the mermaid (left) – this was sitting outside an amazing cave created out of all knitted items, donated from knitters all over the country to support the RNLI. It was the most eye popping creation, so much detail from tiny jellyfish and sea horses to a mermaid and sea monster called Nemesis knitted by junior school children.
<< Inside the cave
Knitted by approx 2000 knitters from all over the world.
ALL of this paled into insignificance however when we found out what extreme knitting was!!
9 balls of wool, two massive needles (and of course my sis owns some – the Little Petals were using them as swords last time we visited) you knit as normal but use all the balls at the same time and it makes rugs or heavy blankets. K was sold and is considering learning how to knit.
K getting stuck in. |
That's all so goodbye from me, for now.