Wednesday, 18 April 2012

Avoiding Work

Oops I forgot to post this..... (more to follow soon as I have now finished the canvas and I did finish the bunting in the end.)

Whilst I love painting buntings, getting started can sometimes be a pain as before you can do the fun part you have to do the slightly dull bit of painting the plain background, of which we always do several coats so there is an extra wait involved before I can get to the fun bit - twiddly designs. 

Last Thursday I spend avoiding backgrounds, I was supposed starting a bunting something like this:

But instead ... apart from hoovering and stacking the dishwasher, washing machine and tumble drier plus walking the dog (with school holidays this takes 20 minutes just to negotiate practical shoes, coats, leads etc get them on and out the door-which I still chose to do first!) ... where was I? oh yes apart from housework and shoe choice peace talks I also did this;

 To go in eldest petals room - using up left over paint from his redecorated room at the beginning of the year.
The drawers were given to me by my dad who gets a lot of odd bits of wood to burn on their stove one drawer was missing and another was broke so I decided it would be fine as a shelf.  It will house odd bits and bats including lego and skylanders.

I also made a start on the background of a canvas for my son
on which I am somehow going to decopage a poem entitled space fleet written by my dad.

Monday, 2 April 2012

Busy bee

We have been busy in the sun, but now it’s gone I’m online again.  Last week we donated paints and assisted a local Year 6 class in painting a mural for their school – here are a few pics of the process.

speeding bike, all pics were set around an eco theme

fabulous arty ducks and giant snail

the finished wall and the one above of us just to give some
perspective of it's size

 I have been neglecting the blog here recently but I am still moonlighting over at Chorley Contemporary Crafters – please go and have a looksee

And last but in no way least I have been adding pages to both blogs and making them all pretty.  More to do with PP&P blog but for now I’m off to shop then think of something fun to do with the kiddies in the holidays before they grow up and wish to be my pal no more!   While I’m away please have a look at the new pages and see what you think.
