Sunday, 28 November 2010


 Well after all the fun of the stalls, I’m working on the excessively boring stuff - tax returns, or at least preparing myself for them, you see -  I know NOTHING about them NOT A THING, although I reckoned they were done just before April.....? WRONG! Therefore I have LOTS of reading to do.  I tell you something, that advert – the one that says ‘Tax doesn’t have to be taxing’ ? From my research so far I beg to differ.  Its soooo complicaaaated. I have to go veeeery slowly indeed to understand, it’s a bit like reading Shakespeare, but at least that has a plot, with a good story going on.  So what I’m saying is....see you in a few months.
Here is my ‘reading’ stack, and that’s just the start! So far it’s not quite proving to be Sophie Kinsella, though as a pre-cursor to all the dull stuff I did re-read her fabulous Domestic Goddess book last weekend and loved it all over again, if only I had the heroine’s affinity with numbers. 

Now does anyone know if I need to complete both AS800 and ASSS 200 forms or just APD100 and does PD740 even apply to me???? Eek and I thought motherhood was difficult.

I have to say I have found loads of useful information on the website, just in case anyone else is currently doing the same thing as me, and if you are maybe we should set up a SUPPORT GROUP.  Though I can’t fault the website, there is a LOT of information and I keep going off on a tangent.
Anyhoo, when I’m done I will treat myself to an afternoon SCRAPBOOKING or something, perhaps with a couple of glasses of wine thrown in.  And for a BREAK .....I can always go to work??!

Late update:  As a bit of light relief I had a go at some flower rosettes (made out of ribbon and recycled clothing!!) What do you think?


Saturday, 6 November 2010


Well the Art and Craft Fair (at the Coach House in Astley Park) was a splendid success, all the stalls looked fab and the room was really busy, I have to shout a big WELL DONE to the lovely Sarah who organised the event. (check out her blog - )  

A must see (on the left)

Thank you to all the friends and family, school yard mums/chums who came along and showed us their support.   It was a very busy day and it flew by, we met lots of other fellow crafters and it looks set to be an event we will repeat.

Our pretty stall (which always ends up pretty messy at the end of each day)

Feel good fabric bunting £15-20 depending on detail
We were also selling some absolutely gorgeous (and beautifully made) fabric bunting for a pram walk friend which attracted lots of attention and made our stall very vibrant giving it a real seasonal feel.  The buntings also went nicely with our latest seasonal additions:
 Stockings, Reindeers and Bells painted with love by Kellie.
Also this month we had a stall at the Chorley farmers market as usual (3rd Thursday of every month @ 9am – 2.30pm) and I just couldn’t resist including this pic of Kellie and her new promotional idea (the outfit attracted quite a bit of attention.... OK so really she’d been to a sponsored toddle that morning to raise money for Barnardo’s.  The toddlers and mums all loved it and each received a medal for their efforts – arrr ;-)
